2021: Celebrating 130 Years

Celebrating 130 years of service to the community through window displays of history in downtown Three Rivers and publishing excerpts and articles from the Club’s archives of minutes since 1891; endorsed and donated to the Three Rivers Promise; moved the Club archives to the Three Rivers Public Library; donated funds and energy to realizing the Three Rivers

2020: 100 Years of Women’s Suffrage

Passed resolution honoring 100 years of women’s suffrage; negotiated an end to the Club’s lease forty-year with the City of Three River for the Carnegie library building and vacated our Clubroom; began strategic planning for the next 10 years

2013: Dollars for Scholars

Dollars for Scholars fund raising to give additional scholarships for post-secondary education for TR High School students; 7 scholarships awarded to TRHS graduates in 2021;

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